GAMES 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~6 


If the up card is passed on, the hand becomes LONERS only


If you have 3 of the up card suit in your hand you must call trump
The left bower counts as one of the trump
If everyone passes, the first player with 3 of a suit must call that suit as trump


Played as STANDARD but dealer cannot call alone
The other 3 players MUST go alone
Call can be made first or second time around


If a player gets 4 OF A KIND, that team wins
Declare 4 OF A KIND in chat and play hand to verify
4 OF A KIND must be declared before first card is played
HIGHEST 4 of a kind wins in the case of a tie


Game is 4 hands – highest score after 4 wins
If score is tied after 4 hands, one more hand is played
If a player gets 4 OF A KIND, that team wins
Declare 4 OF A KIND in chat and play hand to verify
4 OF A KIND must be declared before first card is played
HIGHEST 4 of a kind wins in the case of a tie


Game is 4 hands – highest score after 4 wins
If score is tied after 4 hands, one more hand is played 
You may not trump an off suit ACE unless all you have is trump
If a trump has been played before you turn, you can over trump


Game is 4 hands – highest score after 4 wins
If score is tied after 4 hands, one more hand is played
If you have a combination of JACK and ACE in same BLACK suit, you win
Spades beats clubs in the event of a tie
Declare BJ in chat and play hand to verify


Game is 4 hands – highest score after 4 wins
If score is tied after 4 hands, one more hand is played
If a player gets a FULL HOUSE (3 of a kind and a pair), that team wins
Declare FULLHOUSE in chat and play hand to verify
FULLHOUSE must be declared before first card is played
HIGHEST 3 of a kind wins in the case of a tie


Game is 4 hands – highest score after 4 wins
If score is tied after 4 hands, one more hand is played
First team to make a successful loner wins the game
Do not call alone if your team has 9 points


Game is 4 hands – highest score after 4 wins 
unless a team reaches 10 points
If score is tied after 4 hands, one more hand is played 
Only loners can be called


Game is 4 hands – lowest score after 4 wins
If score is tied after 4 hands, one more hand is played
You must have one natural trump (not left) to call or order
Dealer can use up card as natural to call trump
Any card picked or ordered up must be kept
No loners allowed


Game is 4 hands – highest score after 4 wins
If score is tied after 4 hands, one more hand is played
If a player gets a STRAIGHT (A-K-Q-J-10 or K-Q-J-10-9), that team wins
Declare STRAIGHT in chat and play hand to verify
STRAIGHT must be declared before first card is played
Highest straight wins (hand with an ACE)
If more than one of the same straight is called, game continues


Game is 4 hands – highest score after 4 wins
If score is tied after 4 hands, one more hand is played
LOD must order up card