If a player is euchred, that suit cannot be 
called for remainder of game
If all suits are eliminated before game is over, highest score wins
If score is tied, one hand of STANDARD is played to determine winner


Anyone can call but must go alone
Caller chooses an opponent to DEFEND ALONE


Anyone can call but must go alone
Caller chooses an opponent to DEFEND ALONE
You may not trump an off suit ACE unless all you have is trump
If a trump has been played before you turn, you can over trump


Play to lose
Anyone can call but must go alone
Caller chooses and opponent to DEFEND ALONE
You must have one natural trump (not left) to call or order
Dealer can use up card as natural to call trump
Any card picked or ordered up must be kept


Played as STANDARD but only RED suits can be called
The opposite red suit must be the first card led
If lead player does not have the opposite suit, any card can be played 
Except for a trump
4 points for an error on a called loner


If a player gets a FULL HOUSE (3 of a kind and a pair), that team wins
Declare FULLHOUSE in chat and play hand to verify
FULLHOUSE must be declared before first card is played
HIGHEST 3 of a kind wins in the case of a tie


Aces cannot be lead unless all you have in your hand is aces 


Only the DEALER'S PARTNER can call trump
The dealer's partner can call first or second time around


Whatever suit takes the last trick MUST be the suit called next hand
Anyone can call each hand


Played as standard except the same player may not call twice in a row
STD will be OFF


If a HEART is the up card, the dealer must pick it up and go alone
If a DIAMONDS is the up card, LOD must order it up alone
If a CLUB is the up card, dealer’s partner must order it up alone
If an SPADE is the up card, ROD must order it up alone


The up card must be passed by all players
LOD must call next, the other colour of the upcard
Eg: IF upcard was diamonds then LOD calls hearts


If a KING is the up card, LOD must order it
If a QUEEN is the up card, dealer’s partner must order it
If a JACK is the up card, ROD must order it
If an ACE is the up card, the dealer must pick it up
If up card is a 9 or 10, anyone calls


If the UPCARD is a JACK - the DEALER must pick it up ALONE


Played as standard unless a KING is the upcard
The DEALER will state in chat what player will call what suit
DEALER can choose themselves
That player must do as the dealer says
Loners allowed except when the dealer tells another player to call


First team to make a successful loner wins the game
Do not call alone if your team has 9 points